Elevation of Guinea-Bissau

Elevation Finder with Leaflet and OpenStreetMap

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Discover the captivating heights and depths of Guinea-Bissau as we explore its highest peaks and lowest valleys.

From soaring mountain ranges to mysterious lowlands, join us on a journey that unveils the diverse landscapes that makes this country truly remarkable.

Guinea-Bissau Terrain

Guinea-Bissau is a small country in West Africa, known for its diverse landscapes including tropical rainforests, mangrove swamps, and savannahs. It has a rich cultural heritage with influences from Portuguese colonization and indigenous traditions.

Highest Point

The highest point in Guinea-Bissau is Unnamed location near Tanina, which stands at an elevation of 300 Meters above sea level. A sought-after destination for outdoor enthusiasts, this towering mountain promises not only a thrilling hiking experience but also offers panoramic vistas of the sprawling landscapes

Dive into the beauty of Guinea-Bissau’s elevated terrains as you explore Unnamed location near Tanina and other noteworthy high points across the country.

Lowest Point

The lowest point in Guinea-Bissau is Atlantic Ocean, which stands at an elevation of 0 Meters above sea level.

Topography And Similar Topographies

When it comes to the topography of Guinea-Bissau, it’s mostly Low-lying coastal plains and some interior plateaus. Guinea-Bissau has similar topographies to these other regions. Belize (Similar low-lying coastal areas and interior plateaus)

Popular Cities

Below are the top 10 cities in Guinea-Bissau and their elevation points in meters: